Japanese Tonkatsu

photo sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japanesephoto sher she goes food delicious lunch yum japaneseI’m not sure how we stumbled upon this place but when we saw that the restaurant was dedicated to tonkatsu, or Japanese pork cutlet, we immediately sat down, eager to try this Japanese staple. Surprisingly, a lot of our lunchtime hits ended up being restaurants on the top floors of malls, which threw me for a loop since in America the usual mall haunts are the same rotating slew of fast food joints. This Tokyo mall even had some outdoor space on the roof!

We tried the tonkatsu curry alongside shredded cabbage and cold sesame oil noodles. The meal was the perfect balance of heavy and light on such a muggy summer day in Tokyo.

Read more: Travel to Japan


Want to know what else to do in Tokyo? Check out my full Japan series:

sher she goes soy sauce 'sushi dai'


That Time I Got Naked with Strangers… My Japanese Bathhouse Experience

Tsukiji Fish Market Pt 1 Is the Tuna Auction Worth Visiting?

Tsukiji Fish Market Pt 2 (You Woke Up Late) The Other Stalls

How to Travel Japan Shinkansen & the Japan Rail Pass

Tokyo’s Most Famous Temple: Asakusa and Senso-Ji

Hotel Review Mornings at the Park Hyatt Tokyo

Tokyo Sights: Visiting the Imperial East Gardens


A Visit to Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto (Memoirs of a Geisha!)

What Does It Mean to Donate a Torii Gate

Sanjusangendo Temple and the 1,000 Statues of Kannon

Japan Eats

Sushi for Breakfast, Really? Sushi Daiwa at Tsukiji

Delicious Bakery Treats Mont Thabor & The Park Hyatt

Is Japan Vegetarian Friendly? Here’s What You Can Expect & Eat More Greens

Dessert Among Diamonds Mikimoto Lounge

How Good is Japanese Tonkatsu




  1. April 18, 2014 / 10:12 am

    That’s in a mall?! I had no idea until I read the bottom of your post. Maybe I would go to more malls in the US if the food tasted even half as good as yours looks.

    • Sher
      April 18, 2014 / 5:06 pm

      right? i loved how unique each of the malls in Japan were and was so surprised by the food options!

  2. April 19, 2014 / 6:10 am

    The tonkatsu we had in Kyoto was delicious and this was at a place that was part of a chain in a mall as well. I just love how light they make the batter which makes it feel as if it’s less greasy :P.


  3. person
    April 21, 2014 / 1:28 pm

    nice pix whos the hottie?

    • Sher
      April 21, 2014 / 10:41 pm

      really.. hitting on yourself Earl?

  4. Anon
    April 25, 2014 / 11:04 am

    Dayummmm! Whose that hottie in the 4th from the top? He can slurp on my ramen any day ;)

    • Sher
      April 25, 2014 / 4:22 pm

      Jeralina + Gearl 4evr

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