NYC Sunday Brunch – The Meatball Shop (LES)

the meatball shop restaurant nyc dining lower east side les restaurant food dinner lunch bar meat meatball sandwich collard greens ice cream sandwichthe meatball shop restaurant nyc dining lower east side les restaurant food dinner lunch bar meat meatball sandwich collard greens ice cream sandwichthe meatball shop restaurant nyc dining lower east side les restaurant food dinner lunch bar meat meatball sandwich collard greens ice cream sandwichMhm – the Meatball shop has the most amazing mini meatball sandwiches. As I all too often do, I arrived starving and completely over ordered. The amused water unloaded plate after plate of food and even got confused, and gave us more than we ordered ha! I liked the spicy pork and classic beef meatballs the best and we tried them in a variety of their sauces, including pesto, tomato and spicy. It’s super easy and fun marking up the menu with sharpie and while we went to the LES location there are tons of Meatball shops all over town (locations here) I even made room for a ginger cookie / coffee ice cream sandwich!



  1. Ally
    October 28, 2014 / 1:16 pm

    This is totally making me hungry!!! I am 100% craving a meatball sandwich now.

  2. Igrien
    October 28, 2014 / 2:46 pm

    Meatball sandwiches, how could one resist! And they’re bite-sized as well! You’re making me hungry..

  3. Ade
    October 29, 2014 / 9:10 am

    Great post dear!

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