Living in New York City: February 2017

New-York-Fashion-Week-SS-2017 anniesa hasibuan
New-York-Fashion-Week-SS-2017 anniesa hasibuan


Life in NYC: February 2017


February was a busy, short month dominated mostly by Fashion Week and preparations for Israel next month. You can read all about my second New York Fashion Week experience here!

I also had a number of projects which kept me busy and lots of questions about blogging.. so I was inspired to start a new monthly Blogging column!

I won’t be including the Blogging series in my email newsletter since I think it will be applicable to only a small subset of my readers so instead, you can find it under the main menu by going to Resources > Blogging.


Books I’ve Finished

The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker

I picked up this book in the library on Fathom’s cruise ship to Cuba because the packaging on the book was quite distinctive. The story is about a girl whose father disappears the day after she graduates from her law school and her journey to Burma to uncover the truth about why he left.

Part father-daughter story, part romance, part poetry it was a captivating story but also written a bit oddly.

The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro

Ok there was very limited internet on the Fathom cruise so I read a ton. A massive art heist at a famous museum takes place… one piece is delivered to a young artist… young artist agrees to forge the piece for her big break…but as she paints she suspects the long missing masterpiece is itself a fake!

I thought it was a fascinating story and loved the peek into the art world and what it takes to create a “masterpiece” forgery. If you enjoyed The Thomas Crown Affair movie with Pierce Brosnan, I think you might like this book too!

Jab Jab Jab Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuck

I’m a convert to Gary Vaynerchuck and this was the last book of his that I got my hands on so finally I’ve finished it! For anyone unfamiliar, Gary Vaynerchuck is a social media guru with a no-bullshit approach to life. This book in particular is for the social media lovers out there – Gary talks about how brands and businesses can leverage today’s social platforms to advertise their messages in the best way.

If you’re new to Gary Vee, I think you’ll find his message refreshing.


Beauty Favorites

Colleen Rothschild Best of Beauty Travel Set

Before when I traveled, I would take along miscellaneous skincare samples and never really had a strict skin regimen for trips. Now that I’m traveling more often, I need a full set of day / night products that will keep my skin hydrated and in good condition. I love this travel kit from Colleen Rothschild that contains their cult products in travel friendly form along with a handy pouch.

The cleansing balm is great to remove makeup as a night cleanser. For day, I bring a travel version of the Clarins exfoliating brightening cleanser – the small scrub beads smell heavenly and are light enough not to scratch the skin. Also in this set: a light weight coconut lip balm, great day + night moisturizer and facial oil. I keep the full size ‘beauty water‘ – it’s really just a facial mist – at my work desk to fresh up my skin whenever it feels dry.


Jurlique Lavender Set

I love the lavender scent of this set – I got it in one of their holiday sets which also included a hydrating hand cream that C always sneaks in his work duffel. I love the mini facial mist – it’s got an amazing scent and is also travel friendly.

Lavender Hydrating Mist, 3.3 fl oz.


Aveda Balancing Body Mists

This isn’t for everyone but if you have a nose for scents and like the smell of Indian Ayurvedic / herbal remedies, you’ll love it. The complete set of sprays are formulated according to Indian chakra and are meant to relieve stress and induce a sense of calm. There are 7 sprays in total and each smell slightly different yet have that distinct Aveda herbal smell. If you’ve ever tried any of their products you’ll know what I mean. It’s not for everyone but I really like it!

These are travel sized so I like to pack along one (#1 is my favorite) to spray in my room before bed time. Another Aveda favorite is their overnight wedding masque. This is heaven for dry skin types – it’s soothing, calming and ultra rich. I keep it on my bedside table so I can slip on a light layer right before closing my eyes.


Miscellaneous Favorites

Packing Cubes

I first heard about packing cubes from a woman my mom and I met on our travels in Spain. She credited them as her #1 packing solution and raved about how tidy they keep her suitcase. Afterwards we privately wondered if they were all that.. I mean they’re just more containers right?

BUT I just got my own set from Calpak and they are honestly amazing. The Calpak set is perfectly sized for their carry on luggage so I can compartmentalize everything. I’m one of those messy travelers that never likes to fully unpack and instead just rummages endlessly so that clothes are piled in a heap in my open suitcase. The cubes let me “unpack” without making a mess and I can divide gym clothes in one, dresses in another, outfits in a third etc to find what I need quickly. Love them and I’m a total convert!


I’m always looking for new suggestions (books, travel spots, beauty products) so let me know in the comments what you’re loving lately!





  1. Joyce
    March 13, 2017 / 11:39 pm

    Ooh the art forager and the jab jab jab books seem super cool! Same with the curated beauty set perfect for travel! I have a podcast recommendation — reply all!

    • Sher
      March 14, 2017 / 8:31 am

      ooh thanks, I’ll check out that podcast!

  2. Josie Piper
    April 21, 2017 / 5:03 am

    Hi Sher!

    I’ve been following your Instagram and blog for a while and find you to be so inspirational! The photos are beautiful! I know you must be super busy, but I’d love to know if my project might be helpful to you at all.

    I also love travel and work from my laptop; one thing I find is the stress of being new in town and not knowing the inside scoop of where you can go and get a bit of work down with some decent wifi, sufficient plugs etc.

    So, I’ve started up a blog/site which I hope to grow into a bit like a Tripadvisor for the digital nomad community/travellers. Essentially the idea is to review good spots to work from and post about them so that other digital nomads, entrepreneurs, freelancers etc can be in the know when they are looking for somewhere to go and work from their laptop for a few hours. Also, I’d love to encourage other people like yourself to recommend spots that they come across whilst travelling – something I’ve dubbed a “fickle office” (because it is temporary).

    Do you think you would benefit from a website like that? And, if so, would you be interested in posting a recommending perhaps of a coffee shop (either on your travels or local to you) which you like to work from?

    Really hope to hear from you soon,



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